Monday, May 17, 2010

Bloggity Bloggity Blah….

Hello world. I suck at updating our blog. My apologies.

Things have been quite chaotic in the Learn household lately. Leland started working a few weeks ago (hurray!) but he has a crappy schedule. Sun, Mon, Wed, and Thursday, 4am – 3 pm. With Leland and me working full time, Alistair has started day care. But he’s also been seeing his biological mother a little bit more, so that schedule fluctuates greatly, as well. Lemme tell ya, nothing worse than Alistair crying hysterically when you have to leave him. Luckily, it doesn’t happen much. Overall, he’s a happy healthy little boy. The greatest little boy in the whole world.

Oh, other big news: LELAND’S STARTING COLLEGE THIS FALL!! So excited and proud of him. He’s going to do Photograhy and he wants to eventually (most likely) do his own photography company. That’d be stinking amazing!

Other than that, I’m just enjoying no school. It’s so nice to just have to work and then go home and relax. Spend some time with my boys. This will be a nice three months.

That’s about all that been going on. I know, we’re a super exciting bunch!